Speedy Delivery
We employ our own drivers and use local delivery service Driver On Deck to deliver your custom cookies whenever you need them – at home, the office, or your event.
Best cookies around
See what our thousands of loyal followers and their reviews have to say about our cookies. It helps that you can find your perfect cookie
From Scratch
All of our cookies, doughs, and frostings are made fresh from scratch by our in-house production team, here at the bakery. Come see for yourself

The best way to get Baked! in Indiana.

Choose your adventure below and pick out your dream cookies (don’t forget the milk!), a custom-decorated cookie cake, and pick from our extras, like peanut butter dog treats, Unbaked dough (ready to eat), ice-cream sandwiches, and more. Get Baked! on your own, with friends, with your mom; anytime’s a good time to get Baked!

Custom Cookies
Craft your cookie dream - Customize your own dough, mixins, frosting, and afterbakes for a dessert designed and tailored just for you. Gluten-free, vegan, nut-free (no nutsafe guarantee, sorry) options available.

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Specialty Items
From delightful Cookie Sandwiches that sandwich creamy fillings between two freshly baked cookies, to our luscious Cookie Dough ready to eat or be transformed into your own creations, and even treats for your four-legged companions, this selection is a true testament to the artistry of gourmet treats.

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Cookie Cakes
Forget the boring sheet cake that's always leftover after the party! Just like our cookies, our cookie cakes are fully customizable and we can decorate them for any occasion: birthdays, holidays, graduation, congratulations, or just because!

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